What is Tantra:
Tantra is a method of developing a complete skill set (body, mind and spirit) to achieve a high level of communication and intimacy, and maximum pleasure with you or a beloved. And most importantly, it’s fun!
Fulfilling relationships require vulnerability, honesty, compassion, acceptance and gratitude, without judgment. These are relationship
skills that are learned and require practice. This is what I teach.
How to safely and effectively co-create an intimate relationship is not taught in our public educational system. Going beyond the interpersonal communication skills requires even more training and education. I can help you learn these skills.

Paul "Lito" McCurdy
Introduction to Tantra:
Tantra is an ancient practice of learned skills to increase the energy of love and consciousness, to heal and enhance relationship through improved communication and bodily practice.
"Tantra delights in the senses, desires, and feelings, and is focused on the expansion of consciousness that comes from a dynamic, sensate connection to life." Anodea Judith

Most classes and private session work are performed on the island of Oahu, Hawaii. If you have special needs, desires or requests, please contact me and we can discuss alternative locations.
Contact me to book a session or join a class.